
Posts Tagged ‘oracle/log_policy’

Using WLST to manage Web Service Policies

August 28, 2011 Leave a comment

Security policies can be added and managed for your web services using Fusion Middeware Control, Enterprise Manager, by browsing appropriate web service on EM. But WLST offers more convenient way to manage policies. I find WLST more handy in many many cases. So I will talk about the common WLST commands that will be used to list/attach/detach/enable/disable security policies with your Web Service.

Dev Guide Reference:

The commands that I am going to talk about here are,





The tricky part here is not using these commands. But knowing the hack on how to identify these parameters correct and use those parameters. I am going to focus on that in this post.

Knowing the common parameters:

All the WLST commands for doing above operations share a common parameters. If you know how to derive them, then this is a cake walk. This post will help you in know that hack.



attachWebServicePolicy(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, serviceName, subjectName, policyURI, [subjectType=None])

detachWebServicePolicy(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, serviceName, subjectName, policyURI, [subjectType=None])

enableWebServicePolicy(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, serviceName, subjectName, policyURI, [enable], [subjectType=None] ))

Parameter Description How to derive the value
application For J2EE App:

Name of the J2EE App relative to domain name, server name and application name in pattern “domain-name/server-name/application-name”.

Eg: /wls_domain/AdminServer/EmpDeptService

For SOA Composite:


For J2EE App:

Navigate to <domain-home>\servers\AdminServer\upload and take the Application name from there.

For SOA Project:

The value can be entered as None. Its a static value.

moduleOrCompName For J2EE App:

Name of the moduleOrCompName represents the name of the web module for an ADF BC Service.

For SOA Composite:

This represents the SOA Composite name in pattern <partition-name>/<composite-name>[revision-id]

For J2EE App:

Navigate to WLS console -> Deployments and drill down into the Application. In Overview -> Modules section, you can find the web module name for the service.

Eg: for my EmpDeptService App, the web module name you would see if “empDeptService”.

For SOA Composite:

Navigate to soa-infra URL. You would find the composite name mentioned as “default/AsyncServiceCallUsingPick!1.0”. Remove ! and cover the revision id with [].

Eg: valid name for above composite would be “default/AsyncServiceCallUsingPick[1.0]”

moduleType For J2EE App: web.

For SOA Composite: soa.

Static values..

For J2EE App: web.

For SOA Composite: soa.

serviceName This represents the name of the service. Navigate to the WSDL file. Navigate to the wsdl:service tag. Fetch the value from “name” attribute.
subjectName This represents the port name of the service. Navigate to the WSDL file.Navigate to the wsdl:port tag. Fetch the value from “name” attribute.
policyURI The security policy URI which needs to be used in appropriate command. List of available security policies can be obtained from wsm-pm/validator URL.

Eg: http://localhost:7001/wsm-pm/validator

List attached web service security policy:

In all these examples/demos, I am going to take my EmpDeptBCService. This would list all security policy attached with this ADF BC Service.



Example usage:



wls:/soa_domain_dev/serverConfig> listWebServicePolicies('/soa_domain_dev/AdminServer/EmpDeptService','empDeptService','web','EmpDeptBCService','EmpDeptBCServic

EmpDeptBCServiceSoapHttpPort :
security : oracle/wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy, enabled=true
Attached policy or policies are valid; endpoint is secure.


Attaching a web service policy:

Let’s attach the log policy, oracle/log_policy, to the web service.


attachWebServicePolicy(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, serviceName, subjectName, policyURI, [subjectType=None])

Example usage:

attachWebServicePolicy('/soa_domain_dev/AdminServer/EmpDeptService', 'empDeptService', 'web', 'EmpDeptBCService', 'EmpDeptBCServiceSoapHttpPort', 'oracle/log_policy')


wls:/soa_domain_dev/serverConfig> attachWebServicePolicy('/soa_domain_dev/AdminServer/EmpDeptService', 'empDeptService', 'web', 'EmpDeptBCService', 'EmpDeptBCS
rviceSoapHttpPort', 'oracle/log_policy')

Please restart application to uptake any policy or configuration change.


As it clearly says in output, restart of Application is required to get this configuration change activated. This can be verified using listWebServicePolicies or this new policy can be seen from EM.

Detach a web service security policy:

This can be used to detach a security policy applied to the service.


detachWebServicePolicy(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, serviceName, subjectName, policyURI, [subjectType=None])

Example usage:

detachWebServicePolicy('/soa_domain_dev/AdminServer/EmpDeptService', 'empDeptService', 'web', 'EmpDeptBCService', 'EmpDeptBCServiceSoapHttpPort', 'oracle/log_policy')


wls:/soa_domain_dev/serverConfig> detachWebServicePolicy('/soa_domain_dev/AdminServer/EmpDeptService', 'empDeptService', 'web', 'EmpDeptBCService', 'EmpDeptBCSe
rviceSoapHttpPort', 'oracle/log_policy')

Please restart application to uptake any policy or configuration change.


As it clearly says in output, restart of Application is required to get this configuration change activated. This can be verified using listWebServicePolicies or this new policy can be seen from EM.

Enable or Disable security policy attached with service:

This is used to enable or disable a security policy that is attached with a service.


enableWebServicePolicy(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, serviceName, subjectName, policyURI, [enable], [subjectType=None]

Here enable property value set to “true” is going to enable the security policy. This value set to “false” is going to disable the security policy.

Example usage:

enableWebServicePolicy('/soa_domain_dev/AdminServer/EmpDeptService', 'empDeptService', 'web', 'EmpDeptBCService', 'EmpDeptBCServiceSoapHttpPort', 'oracle/wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy', false )


wls:/soa_domain_dev/serverConfig> enableWebServicePolicy('/soa_domain_dev/AdminServer/EmpDeptService', 'empDeptService', 'web', 'EmpDeptBCService', 'EmpDeptBCSe
rviceSoapHttpPort', 'oracle/wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy', false )

Please restart application to uptake any policy or configuration change.


As it clearly says in output, restart of Application is required to get this configuration change activated. This can be verified using listWebServicePolicies or this new policy can be seen from EM.

Thanks for reading and Keep Smiling 🙂
